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 and His Work  (John 16:5-15)




In Jesus' encounter with Nicodemus, someone who would be the equivalent to any religious leader of our day, Jesus said,

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”(John 3:3).


Then in John 3:7 Jesus said, "Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’"  

If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior please come to our Holy Spirit Meetings or contact us at

(678) 390-4497

Our Mission


"Teaching the Body of Christ To Live a Victorious and Abundant Life in Christ by the Power of the Indwelling Holy Spirit"


We desire to edify the members of the body of Christ, the Church, about the workings of God the Holy Spirit in the earth according to Ephesians 4: 11-16

Wedding Covenants


Our church offers wedding covenant ceremonies based on Marriage of Christ and the Church according Ephesians 5:22-33.

  Our Meetings


We allow our Helper, God the Holy Spirit, to have His way in our meetings.  Please come in person or join us by phone  or Zoom!!


Saturday Holy Spirit Meetings 

3:00 PM at

1122 Cambridge Sq

Suite A

Alpharetta, GA 30009



Wednesday Bible Study

12:00 PM



Latest News from AbundantLife World

Check out what great things the Father is doing.....


Covenant Partnerships 

Pastor Herman enters into covenant partnerships with believers who desire his guidance by the Holy Spirit as their pastor and under- Shepherd to the chief Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ. Please contact us for information regarding discipleship.

The Holy Spirit's Message

It is written;


"And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ." Matthew 23:10


Log into our web site to partake of this week's message as given to our Pastor- Under shepherd under the anointing of " the Christ of God" our teacher God the Holy Spirit.

© 2025 by AbundantLife International -- Atlanta, Georgia 

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